About Me

Head of Lower School at La Jolla Country Day School (mbaier@ljcds.org)

Friday, March 13, 2015

In pursuit of knowledge...

“All wish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price.”    ~Juvenal, Roman poet

Thank you to everyone who attended parent/teacher conferences last week.  I have heard how fruitful the conversations were from both teachers and parents.  Guiding children to the possession of knowledge is not an easy task.  While children are naturally curious, the work that they need to put in to gain knowledge and reach goals is not natural for all.  This leads us back to our focus on grit.  There are trade-offs and setbacks in the pursuit of knowledge and as I’ve said before parent/teacher teamwork is key in helping children develop the qualities needed for a successful knowledge quest.  Thank you so much for forming those parent/teacher relationships that support the children at Eagle Ridge Academy.  Those formidable teams make it extremely difficult for any child NOT to succeed!

Mr. Anderson has been decorating the LS Office with art again!  This time we have some amazing kindergarten pictures based on Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night.  Take a moment to look at all the different layers in the picture.  All of the different types of learning in just one picture is amazing to me!

Third graders have been writing couplets.  They had a couplet competition.  The winners were posted on the 3rd grade Wall of Excellence in the hallway.  Check out the pictures below for a chuckle or two!

On Thursday, March 26th we will be having our 2nd Annual Lower School Historical Character Day.  Teachers have communicated the themes for each grade level.  It is an exciting day that brings together the knowledge they have learned in many different subjects.  If you have any specific questions about costumes, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher.  

Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Baier

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