About Me

Head of Lower School at La Jolla Country Day School (mbaier@ljcds.org)

Monday, September 24, 2012


Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.
Charles R. Swindoll
Eagle Ridge Academy recognizes that electronic mail (e-mail) is a valuable communication tool that is widely used across our society. Staff members are provided with school e-mail accounts to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of communication both within the organization and with the broader community.  As we all know, parent-teacher communication plays an important role in the success of students at all levels.  In the past, this communication has been much more infrequent and often occurred only at designated times, or when teachers contacted parents regarding issues with their children.  Email has changed the way parents and teachers communicate.  Email does have the advantage of being more timely communication, but it also restricts verbal and non-verbal cues.  The lack of these cues in human communication often leads to misunderstanding.  I feel it is important to educate parents and teachers in how to use email effectively in order to benefit students.

Email is most effective in communicating simple, concrete information.  Communicating about grades, assignments, tests, inquiring about homework missed due to absence, etc. are good examples.  It is also quite effective at scheduling dates and times for meetings. Emails about simple behavior problems or issues that require little explanation can also work, but if follow up is needed it is best to happen by phone or in person. Sometimes those simple behavior communication emails are great at allowing parents and teachers to deal with small issues immediately and show students that teachers and parents are on the same page. Communicating about student problems is challenging in an email.  Nonverbal cues and tone are important when communicating on these topics in order to prevent misinterpretations or negative perceptions.  Also, communicating sensitive or confidential information via email is not allowed at Eagle Ridge Academy (whether between teachers and staff or parents and staff) communication on these things must be in person or via the phone.  Email can be an effective way for parents and teachers to communicate because it is incredibly convenient, but it is important to remember the easy way is not always the best way. 

Finally, the Eagle Ridge Academy expectation is there is about a 24 hour turnaround in answering emails (upon receipt) with the exception of weekends.  If a parent emails a teacher on Friday afternoon, Saturday or Sunday, that email may not be received until Monday and quite possibly might not receive a response until Tuesday.  When in the classroom the expectation is that the teachers are engaged with their students and not at their desks answering emails.  Sometimes a teacher has only one time a day to check email and if an email is lengthy an answer may not be possible until after school.  Making sure we are all on the same page in regards to email communication is critical to student success at ERA.

Upcoming Events
-Rocking the Ridge is THIS Saturday (9/28).  If you are able to volunteer for an hour or two, the PTO would LOVE your help!  Please check out the volunteer link on the ERA website homepage.  Hope to see you there!

-Information about the Book Fair is coming home this week.  Please check your child’s folder/backpack.  The volunteer link for the Book Fair is now open on the ERA website homepage.

-The conference sign up page is open on the ERA website.  Here is a link.  http://www.eagleridgeacademy.org/parent-teacherconferences.html  Conferences are next Thursday and Friday (10/4 and 10/5).  Please remember there is no school for students on those days.

Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Baier

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Events Galore

Lots of important events are coming your way at Eagle Ridge Academy in the month of September.

First up is Lower School picture day this Wednesday (9/19).  Please remember students should be in Formal Uniform Dress on Wednesday.  If you need assistance with what Formal Uniform Dress is please consult the Eagle Ridge Website. 

On Thursday, September 20th at 6:30 pm is a Facility Town Hall Meeting.  If you are interested in the future of the Eagle Ridge Academy facility, you might want to attend this meeting to get a bit more information.

Rocking the Ridge is coming on Saturday, September 29th from 12-6.  Bring the family and come to Eagle Ridge for lots of fun, games, and food.  Volunteers are still needed for this great activity.  Please go to the Eagle Ridge Academy website to read more about the event or to sign up to volunteer.

The Done Right Foods lunch pre-order website is up for the month of October.  If you would like to order hot lunch for your child for a day in October you will need to do so before September 23rd.  If you have any questions please contact Stephenie Janson. 

Looking Ahead:

October 4th and 5th- Parent/Teacher Conferences (more information to come SOON)

The book fair is coming, The book fair is coming...the PTO sponsored Scholastic Book Fair is scheduled for the first week in October.  More information will be coming home soon with your child.  As always, the book fair will be in need of volunteers to help if you are interested please watch for the information to come home soon.  Thanks!

Enjoy the beautiful fall weather!
Mrs. Baier

Saturday, September 8, 2012

It is one thing to show your child the way, and a harder thing to then stand out of it. 
~Robert Brault

Please remember students are to walk themselves to the classroom in the morning or a staff member will assist them if they need help.  Parents need to check in at the main office and receive a visitor’s pass if they need to walk down to the classroom in the morning.  Thank you for your help in keeping our hallways clear and safe.

In order to deal with overcrowding on a couple of our bus routes, we have shifted children around on the buses and changed the routes a bit.  You have been notified by phone and email if your child’s bus/stop/time has changed.  The list is also available on the Eagle Ridge website.  The new buses/routes/times start on MONDAY.  Please make sure you are aware of any changes for your family.

I am aware of the concern about the amount of time students spend on the bus after school.  We have decreased it significantly from last year.  Students are now put on the bus at 3:10 to be on ahead of the upper school students.  In the past they have been on the bus as much as 20 minutes earlier.  While sitting on the bus for 15-20 minutes is not ideal, it is the reality of the transportation system and is definitely something the lower school students can do.  Please know that we have heard your thoughts and concerns and work hard to make changes as they can be made within our system.

Staying on the topic of buses, teachers have spoken with their classes about behavior on the school bus.  They have shared with the students the bus rules and I am asking that you do the same with your children.  If the students see we are all on the same page regarding bus behavior, I believe the behaviors will improve.  Below you will find the rules pulled from the Lower School Handbook.  Please talk with your children about these rules.  Thank you!
a)       Student Behavior Expectations at Bus Stops.
i)        Each student will:
(1)    Abide by all school rules.
(2)    Get on and off at their assigned stop.
(3)    Refrain from using profane or vulgar language or gestures.
(4)    Refrain from teasing or harassing others.
(5)    Never run to or from the bus. Stand still as the bus arrives and departs.
(6)    Never cross behind the bus.
(7)    Load and unload the bus in a single file.
(8)    Report any suspicious individuals or behavior to a school administrator and the bus driver.
(9)    Arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time.  The bus driver cannot wait for late students.
(10)Stay away from all streets, roads, and highways while waiting for the bus.
(11)Wait until the bus has come to a complete stop before approaching the bus.
(12)After getting off of the bus, immediately move away from the bus.
(13)Get on and off the bus safely, use the handrail, walk, and allow those in the front to exit first.
(14)Avoid any actions which could cause injury to yourself or others.
(15)Tell the driver if something is dropped near the bus before you pick it up.
(16)If it is necessary to cross in front of the bus, always cross where the driver can see the crossing, and wait for the driver to signal that it is safe to cross
b)      Student Behavior Expectations on the bus.
i)        Students will:
(1)    Abide by all school rules.
(2)    Ride on only their assigned bus.
(3)    Follow the bus driver’s instructions.
(4)    Always speak to the bus driver in a respectful manner.
(5)    Remain seated and facing forward while the bus is in motion.
(6)    Talk quietly.
(7)    Hold bags and items in their lap.
(8)    Keep all items, legs, and feet out of the aisle.
(9)    Keep hands, arms, legs, and head inside the bus at all times.
ii)       Students will not:
(1)    Use profane or vulgar language or gestures.
(2)    Spit.
(3)    Deny another student a place to sit.
(4)    Fight, shout, or play inside or around the bus.
(5)    Throw, shoot or spray objects inside the bus or out the windows.
(6)    Tamper with emergency or safety equipment on the bus.
(7)    Transport any dangerous or objectionable objects.
(8)    Possess any nuisance devices.
(9)    Push, shove, or scuffle
(10)Eat or drink on the bus without approval from the bus driver
(11)Litter, mark, cut, or scratch any part of the bus.
2)      Disciplinary Procedure
a)       The driver shall attempt to correct behavior of the passenger(s).  If the passenger refuses to comply with a reasonable request:
i)        1st offense/warning:  The driver will report the incident to the school administration by submitting a Discipline Referral Report.  The administrator shall investigate the incident and notify the student, parent(s), and driver of the warning.
ii)       2nd offense:  The driver will report the incident to the school administration by submitting a Discipline Referral Report.  The administrator shall investigate the incident and notify the student, parent(s), and driver of the action taken.  A conference involving the administrator, driver, student, and parent(s) or any combination may be necessary.  The administrator may suspend the student’s bus riding privileges for 3-5 days.  If such suspension occurs, the parent(s) or guardian(s) will be notified prior to the effective time of the suspension.  The parent(s) or guardian(s) are then responsible for alternate transportation arrangements during the time of the suspension.
iii)     3rd Offense:   The driver will report the incident to the school administration by submitting a Discipline Referral Report.  The administrator shall investigate the incident and notify the student, parent(s), and driver of the action taken.  A conference involving the administrator, driver, student, and parent(s) or any combination may be necessary.  The administrator may suspend the student’s bus riding privileges for up to 10 days or until a satisfactory resolution is achieved.  If such suspension occurs, the parent(s) or guardian(s) will be notified prior to the effective time of the suspension.  The parent(s) or guardian(s) are then responsible for alternate transportation arrangements during the time of the suspension.
iv)     In the case of serious misconduct that endangers the safety of the other passengers or driver, the student may be removed from the bus by a school official or with law enforcement assistance.  The parent(s) or guardian(s) will be notified as soon as possible and the student will be disciplined as outlined in the Student handbook.
Bus riding privileges may be revoked for the remainder of the school year without refund of any applicable fees.

Upcoming Events: 
  •  September 11th at 8:05 is the first coffee with the administrators (Jason Ulbrich and Melanie Baier).
  • September 19th is Lower School Picture Day.  Students are required to wear their Formal School Uniforms for pictures.  Please consult the website for more information about the Formal School Uniform if you have questions.
  • September 20th is the Facility Town Hall at 6:30 pm. 
Have a great week!
Mrs. Baier