About Me

Head of Lower School at La Jolla Country Day School (mbaier@ljcds.org)

Monday, June 1, 2015

Living in the moment and creating memories

“Life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quick you hardly catch it going.” ~ Tennessee Williams

I recently received a blog post email entitled “Eighteen Summers.”  Without even reading the post, I thought immediately about the eighteen summers of childhood.  You are preparing to embark on another one of those summers with your child. Remember this time is finite.  I hope you take some of it to build some memories together.  It is not always the big events I remember best from childhood, as I look back.  The simple gift of time together can sometimes create the best memories. 

My goal this summer is to experience awe and wonderment.  We talked about this as a staff at our last professional development day.  Disconnecting and truly being with those around me and looking at things without distraction is the order of my summer.  I hope you are able to do the same through your own eyes and your child’s eyes.  Don’t let those present moments flicker by too quickly.  Savor the moment and file it away to remember another day!

The last few weeks of the 2014-15 school year have been busy with trips and projects.  The kindergarten students took their 1st ever field trip to Sea Life at the Mall of America.  It tied in nicely with their study of fish in the classroom.

The 5th graders got to take their overnight field trip to the Science Museum.  While always tired upon their return, the experience is amazing for students and chaperones.  Last year was the inaugural year and we have decided it make it an annual event due to the overwhelming positive feedback we have received about it.

Third grade students had an author visit recently.  Mrs. Murray’s mom is the author of a book called Hollow Earth.  The 3rd grade teachers have been reading it to students as a read-aloud in class.  The interaction between our students and Ms. Barrowman was truly unique.  The background knowledge needed to truly understand the book is something our students gain each day in Latin and history.  We really appreciate her taking the time to come and speak to our students.

Have a wonderful last week!
Mrs. Baier