About Me

Head of Lower School at La Jolla Country Day School (mbaier@ljcds.org)

Monday, May 12, 2014


“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”
~ George Bernard Shaw

In this day and age of technological communication, I find the quote above to be quite true.  For example, I write this blog and communicate lots of information on a fairly regular basis.  I then expect people to have knowledge of the information I have communicated, but how do I truly know it has been communicated.  I don’t know who reads it each week.  Even though I know a certain number of people have signed up to receive an email of the blog, do they truly read the information?  Just because I put the information out there, does not mean it has been communicated.  

I think back to the “older days” when phone calls, telegrams, and face to face communication were the norm.  We could truly say that communication had taken place because we had control of it and did it ourselves.  While technology has sped up the process (of that I’m grateful), it has also given us false assumptions in believing things have truly been communicated.  It has placed half of the process out of our control.  How do we fix that?  I don’t know that we can.  There is a certain amount of responsibility on both parties to ensure the communication has taken place.  It is my responsibility to share the information and your responsibility to take it.  We must truly collaborate in the process of communication for it to be successful.  Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and allowing the communication circle to be complete.

We are having an issue in the Lower School with Pokémon cards.  The sharing and trading of them have truly become a distraction to learning.  We started with saying they could play with the cards at recess, but must keep them in their backpacks.  However, issues with trades and jealousy over cards have trickled into the classrooms.  At this point, I am imposing a Pokémon card ban at school.  If a student has Pokémon cards, the teacher will take them the first time and send them home at the end of the day.  The second time a student is caught with Pokémon cards at school, parents will have to come to school and pick up the cards.  Please help us in eliminating this learning distraction the last few weeks of school.  The ban does extend to the TEL program after school, as well.

Last week the 2nd grade students held their annual Readers Café.  The students studied various authors throughout the year, wrote a 3-point expository essay about their favorite author (from the group studied), and read various books by this author.  At the Readers Café, they were given the opportunity to share their essays and read aloud books by their favorite author to visitors.  Thank you to so many of you for coming and supporting the learning of the 2nd grade students.   As you can see from the pictures below, the students had lots of opportunities to share with other.

Next week we are having music Informances for kindergarten, 2nd grade, and 4th grade.  They are on Tuesday, May 20th and start with our all-day kindergarten students at 4:30pm, 2nd grade at 6:00pm, and 4th grade at 7:00pm.  The Informances are in the gym and students should be in their homeroom classrooms 10 minutes prior to their Informance.  Please note that  students are required to wear formal dress uniforms for Informances, including brown or black dress shoes.  I look forward to seeing you there!

Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Baier

1 comment:

  1. You have an interesting blog. thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading your posts
