About Me

Head of Lower School at La Jolla Country Day School (mbaier@ljcds.org)

Friday, December 13, 2013

Snowy Beauty

Winter came down to our home one night
Quietly pirouetting in on silvery-toed slippers of snow,
And we, we were children once again.
~Bill Morgan, Jr.

As adults the idea of winter often weighs on us.  This sometimes seems funny to me as we live in an area of the country known for winter.  It must be human nature for adults to think of the problems winter brings, but it also brings many delightful things.  I love watching children and dogs play in the snow.  It becomes not a wet annoyance, but a marvelous thing used for fun.  I hope you and your family spend some time enjoying the snow and the winter weather.  Playing in the snow (as it talks about in the quote above) makes us all feel like children again and pushes away those long commute memories.  It all goes back to noticing the beauty around us.  Every season has its beauty and it is up to us to notice it.

Mr. Anderson has updated the art work in the Lower School office.  We have some beautiful first grade paper weavings hanging on the wall.  Motor skills are still developing in many first grade students and it can be challenging to weave with paper.  The students did an excellent job with their weaving and their work on warm and cool colors to create these projects.  Please check them out the next time you stop by the Lower School office.

Mrs. Sahli/Peitz’s class earned all of their eagle feathers in their CIPHER chart and had a delightful celebration today.  Students brought in blankets, stuffed animals, and flashlights for a special reading party.  They read to each other and their special stuffed friends.

We have a new bulletin board outside the Lower School office.  Yes, the fun facts about staff have been removed much to the chagrin of some of our students.  Thanks to Jenny Hjerpe and Casey Nus, we have a wonderful bulletin board dedicated to examples of pillars students see outside the school setting.  If you hear or see articles (newspaper or online) that demonstrate one of our pillars in action please send them to school with your child.  

Eagle Ridge Academy is participating in the Mitten Drive again this year.  We have a box in the Lower School office for collecting new mittens, gloves, hats, blankets, coats, scarves, etc.  Please consider donating to this worthy cause to help others stay warm this winter.  The last day to donate is Friday, December 20th. 

The next Pillar ticket drawing is on Friday, December 20th.  The winners will receive spend time with Mrs. Baier enjoying some hot cocoa.

Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Baier

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