About Me

Head of Lower School at La Jolla Country Day School (mbaier@ljcds.org)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Time to reflect

“Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting, and autumn a mosaic of them all.” ~Stanley Horowitz

This has been one of the most beautiful autumns I have experienced in Minnesota in quite a few years.  The weather has been wonderful and the leaves on the trees magnificent in their colors.  I hope you have been able to take some time for a fall walk (as I have with my dog) to savor the season.  Time is always pushing us from one season to the next, but rarely do we slow down and enjoy the one we are in at the moment. 

It is the same here at school.   We finish one activity or goal and are already jumping onto the next one.  Let us not forget to celebrate those moments of success and learning (complete with mistakes and failure) with the children.  Take some time to talk to your children about their academic and social successes and failures in the first quarter of the school year.  Allow them to relish the moments and after that you can move onto the next goal or project.  Make sure you don’t dwell, but acknowledge and then move forward.  

4th Grade students went on a field trip to Target Field before fall break.  They take this trip each year in connection with their conservation unit in science.  Target Field has a unique Rain Water Recycle System (RWRS) that ties in directly to our 4th grade study of water conservation.  The students enjoyed the trip and learned quite a bit about the recycling and conservation that occurs in such a large facility.  Students  created some conservation posters that are posted around the Lower School to share their knowledge with others.

On Thursday, October 30th Lower School students will be able to wear Halloween socks and/or ties (if wearing a button-down shirt where the tie would be appropriate).

I will be out of the office next week attending a fabulous professional development opportunity provided by ERB (our new assessment provider).  If you have any immediate questions or concerns while I am away, please contact either Susan Roeber (sroeber@eagleridgeacademy.org) or Jason Ulbrich (julbrich@eagleridgeacademy.org).  

Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Baier

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