About Me

Head of Lower School at La Jolla Country Day School (mbaier@ljcds.org)

Monday, October 15, 2012

An apple a day...

The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.  ~Sydney J. Harris

One of those windows this past week was opened by the Kindergarten students as they learned about apples from an expert that visited from the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.  The students followed the life of an apple from flower to fruit.  They also learned about pollination and why bees are the hardest workers in an orchard. The students were actively involved in their learning and behaved so wonderfully for our guest.  Here are a couple of pictures from Ms. Palm’s class during their presentation and their labeled flowers hanging in the hallway.

Please remember there is NO SCHOOL on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday due to MEA break.

Picture retakes are on Wednesday, October 24th.  Remember it is formal dress uniform for pictures.  If you received pictures but would like to have them retaken, please send in the old pictures with your student that day.

Afternoon pick up reminders:
·        Please do not enter the passing lane for pick up until 2:45.  We need to have a lane clear       until that time for passing.

·         Please make sure to be aware of students when moving your car forward.  For the safety of students please use consideration when using cell phones in the pick-up lane.

Pick up has been going much more smoothly with the last wave of cars gone between 3:30 and 3:35.  We appreciate your help in making dismissal a much better process.

Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Baier

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